Wednesday, September 16, 2009

When and How to Pull the Plug?

People have been raising the roof recently about Death Committees being instituted and death advisors in the Health Care bill before Congress.

Obviously this concept has a myriad of politically incorrect pitfalls, like deciding who should and shouldn't die. Grandma or the mentally 'challenged' kid about to be born. Nazi and Stalinist purification come to mind.

There are so many conflicting interests here it's just safer to say nothing. But, in saying nothing these procedures are happening and will happen much more often.

People will ask, why? We are children of God, how can we kill our brother or sister? Those who are Darwinists should logically support culling the herd of the weak and infirm; but they won't because we have natural human rights.

So, let's look at the problem straight forward:

We are all in a boat, limited resources and limited space. Get it?

How about, no one likes to share (even though they say we should) and while some people are hording a little excess food and a nicer seat, others only have cramped spaces and a handful of rice. The boat is getting really dirty and really smelly and really crowded. It is impossible to keep clean with more and more people cramming into the boat and everyone is fighting over the space they have and won't help each other, so in reality things are going to hell fast.

What to do? Overcrowding in a garbage can isn't a great life.

Obviously we know what we should do, ought to do and want to do but NO ONE will do it. So, what DO we do?

Someone once said Its better to live a shorter happy life than a long suffering one. Perhaps its even better to never live at all. Crazy idea.

Is grandma happy stuck to the machine in bed and unable to move for however long her body can be made to function or should she go home to her family with reasonable care and enjoy her days?

Dangerous question: If we know a child is going to be born with a lifelong incapacitation, should we allow him or her to be born?

If we are going to have health care for everyone there will obviously have to be limits. I don't envy the government bureaucrats who have to enforce those limits because they will have to address these issues everyday: who lives, who dies. It will make the private insurance companies today seem like nice guys.

What is the definition of quality of life? When does the medical procedure become unreasonable? Soon we will be able to mechanically replace nearly every part of our body. We will be able to live to the ripe old age of 5,000 as a bio-robot. People die, all things die. The circle goes on, but how far should we stretch it? Should we stop it? Can the earth sustain that? Should we worry about it?

Ah, and speaking of sustaining things. If you now have private Blue Cross / Blue Shield, what are the premiums each year? Everyone, listen up: The new Health Care bill will require premiums be paid by every singla American. What are premiums called when the government collects them? Let me hear you say it: A TAX. That's right. In fact it will be a great big tax. I'm guessing $3,000 per year for a 30 year old single man to start out, with cost of living increases every few years. What do you think a family of four will have to pay?

* Just for your info; In Japan, I pay $3,000 per year for a family of three PLUS I have private supplimental which is on top of that. My wife is a housewife so she doesn't work. This brings the premium down some. The US will be equivelant. Bet on it.

Oh, and one more thing: there isn't a box to check if you want to opt out. You will be required to have a National Medical Care account and carry a card. You may have supplimental private coverage - and you can bet it will be available; but basic care coverage by all will be the law.

Oh, and one more more thing. Since you will have to pay for each child each month, I predict this will be one of the most effective birth control measures in history.

Talk about a motivating factor to pull the plug!

The Dance is Over - but the Circle Goes On

When I saw how old Patrick was when he died I was really really shocked.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ok, You Want to Live in Japan (with Your Japanese Husband)

As any number of people will tell you, living in Japan is cool. Yes, as a foreigner you will have some limitations but unless you have unreasonable expectations, and if you get into the spirit, you really should enjoy life here.

Things to think about:

1.Do you like fish?
Japan is widely known for its healthy food (yes there are McDonald's for your homesick days). Japanese food is healthy and for the most part, delicious. Personally, I hate natto, but my wife and daughter love it. Go figure.

2.Do you feel safe?
Japan really is a safe country. There's a reason people are afraid to leave Japan. For this reason it is a great place for kids.

3.Culture and Outdoor activities
There is an amazing variety of things to do, see and go to. You could pick up a new hobby every month and the more Japanese you learn, the more very fancy doors will open.

4.Korea is just across the street.
OK, not really but if you have a kimchi fetish it's only an hour away. If you are American you get American prices even if you live in Japan.

5.Get a Job and stay busy.
You will have no upwardly mobile pressure. No one expects you to actually work. Just get a p/t job teaching English. You do this to keep busy and make spending money and avoid being lonely.

6.Lots and lots of free time
Study, study, study Japanese. When you have kids if you can't talk to their teachers and doctor you will be at a great disadvantage. Take up hobbies, Karate, flower arranging, tea ceremony – the list is endless.

7.Learn what your husband likes and learn to please him.
You might get him to come home a little earlier at night.

8.Learn your husband's favorite foods from his mother.
Suicide or murder are not an option. She will give you the stamp of approval for Heaven.

9.Have kids.
Then everyone in the family will love you (the grandkids actually) and you will be happy.

10.Your home is your life.

Monday, September 14, 2009

So, You Want to Marry a Japanese Man?

I was asked my view on marraige and life in Japan for an American woman. Well, I'm an American man married to a Japanese woman so I can't completely identify with your plight, but I can give some insight.

A few things to think about:

1. Japanese men are afraid to leave home.
It doesn't matter if they have lived half their life outside of Japan, they are Japanese. A leopard can not change his stripes. Buddhist, Shinto, Christian or other, it's the same. You can take the man out of Japan but you can't take Japan out of the man. 20 years of life outside Japan down the drain after 5 minutes back in Japan. Young Japanese men sometimes spend a few weeks outside of Japan, but when they return they do a startling imitation of a hermit crab. Japan is safe; like a protective shell. They leave again only under great duress. (also see #5)

2. Japanese men are mamma's boys. (Japan is the Mother's Kingdom)
Their mother's dote on them, spoil them, protect them beyond reason and just generally make it so the boy never really grows up and leaves her. Because of this Japanese men have strong depenancy issues. They call this being a team player, but it really means momma made all the decisions and I don't know how. It is the unusual man who can act independently. Ergo, they are afraid to leave home (Japan)

3. You are the new mom; be like the old mom.
Your Japanese husband will expect you to be his mother first, wife second and mother third. Get used to it. (Reiko says learn how to make miso soup like mom or your husband will complain and go to a restaurant.)

4. Japanese men find self worth in their Jobs (not from God - though they think their boss is god).
A Japanese man has no value without a Job. The better the job ... you got it.
If you are the wife, don't get a better job or higher leadership position because it will mean you are:
a, Better than him (you're a woman, impossible)
b. You are my wife, you can never be equal or better (even if I say so)
c. You are my wife/mother, why aren't you at home making babies, my dinner, doing laundry etc

4a As a corolary to 4: (The Boss is God)
The husband is a slave to his job/boss. He will work all day and all night. He will forget who you are (unless he needs his laundry - or something else from you) and his children will never get to know him. This is changing little by little because of the recession but it is not a natural change.

5. A Japanese man is Japanese. You are not, will never be, cannot be.
That says so much you can not believe how understated that statement is.
"You can never understand me. Japan is a unique culture and you are not Japanese."
Remember this phrase and every time you want to complain, you will hear him say those words to you.

6. Learn Japanese
If you cannot speak Japanese don't bother speaking. No one will listen
Your husband spent at least 6 years studying English in school.
He will not be able to put two coherent words together to save his life.

7. Don't bother learning Japanese
You're not Japanese, no one will listen
You're a woman, even your kids (boys) won't listen

8. You are NOT one of US. (Uchi – Soto)
You are an outsider, your husband's accessory. If he isn't there, neither are you.
You are not one of us, we don't have to consider you (This is a MAJOR complaint of foriegn women in Japan - they are seriously dissed by Japanese female members of their same groups.You are NOT one of US why are you here?)
We marvel at your difference. Your so cute. Oh, what beautiful eyes. Be quiet.

This all might sound a little intimidating but it isn't necessarily all bad if you can surpress your American independent streak and decide you want to be a traditional housewife with relatively lesser outside duties to support your husband and family. Your life can be rather good and happy. (Reiko says if your husband is from the country-side you may have no hope unless you have a lot of patience.) You will never reach the level of professionalism in Japan that you can in America. Japan is a feudal country and women are second class citizens. In Japan you will always be a second class outsider viewed with suspicion. Some say Tokyo is a little easier.

Or you can avoid living in Japan altogether and hope that with a lot of husband training and patience on your part, you and your husband will find common ground. Periods of separation serve a valuable purpose.

Conversely, being an American man married to a Japanese woman is like Heaven. 8-)

Are You Really an Atheist?

My friend is very smart. He tells me there is no such thing as God so he is an atheist. I of course tell him he is not, where upon he bristles at my presumption (I am not as smart) and the animated conversation begins.

My friend explains (probably as one does to a child) that there is no proof and no way to scientifically prove the existence of God. Ergo, no God.

Now me, being slightly more pragmatic in my thinking (and not wanting to unduly upset anything I can't see and that CAN put my name on a meteor) says, now wait a minute. How can you say there is no God? Ra has been sitting in the sky since ... well, since forever. Ra being the ostentatious God he is, makes his presence quite obvious I say. You say you don't believe. Yet after some time under his beneficence you go in search of a glass of water. What's the deal?

It's like those philosophers you talk about who say nothing is real, then go off to get their paycheck.

Of course this goes on 'til I shut up and my friend concludes the superior intellect won. Too bad my friend doesn't remember Troy.

I'll be back ....

(like any fable, this story is full of metaphors and innuendos, the names have been changed to protect the guilty)
Personally, I think my friend is a closet tree worshipper and just afraid to admit it.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Morality in the Health Care Debate

A response to the Japan Times Herald article:

Being quite the fan of Ayn Rand myself, I expect that I would be on the mall if I could.

The founding principle of the US and the Republican/Conservative movement is self reliance. The right to be your own man (or woman).

There is, however a balancing principle. The Christian ethic: I am my brother's keeper as exemplified in Cain's question to God.

Either principle taken to extreme is a disaster. The independent man becomes little more than a bear in the forest, while a true Christian gets nailed to a cross by the jealous rivalry between competing interests.

What is the solution?

I would offer the model of the traditional family unit. Husband/wife/children. How does it work? Who has what rights and responsibilities? Where is the balance? This was a short coming of Ayn's philosophy – she only considered the individual, not the relationship – though perhaps if Dagny had kids ...

The modern destruction of the ideal of the nuclear family by relativistic morality where no one understands his or her position in relationships and the prevailing socialist concept of government being the great benefactor of all, muddies the moral waters a great deal.

The American constitution was written to protect us from the monarchic government and to ensure each of our basic rights in the Bill of Rights. But the founding fathers were also socially moral men who understood their obligation to society. To them society was an extension of their own family, with the rights, privileges and responsibilities that ensue. There is no free ride.

Bleeding hearts may call me heartless, but you can only squeeze blood from a turnip for so long before it dies and by the same token, you can only abuse your brothers and sisters in society by your selfish laziness, taking what you want regardless, for so long before the society that you are milking goes dry. This applies to the wall street robber barons as well as the morally irresponsible drug addicts, sexually misaligned, single mothers and those who could not control their physical and emotional urges and now must live with the effect. Why should society put up with your irresponsible lifestyle? It is one thing to support the defenseless children, but quite another to teach and countenance irresponsible adult behavior.

“How can you say that about single mothers? They are the victims.” Really? In some cases of rape perhaps, and society has the ability to care medically for those cases; but in most cases, they are not the victims, they are part and parcel of a slothful society that teaches irresponsible lifestyle choices. The men must also be held accountable. Those who cannot control their snake must bear the cost of their offspring. Life is full of choices. Whether you make the right choice or the wrong choice it is YOUR choice and YOUR responsibility to deal with the results. Children who use skateboards without helmets unfortunately learn that the hard way. So do those with HIV/AIDS. While we do have the resources to care for accident victims and the casualties of life, we do not have the resources to take care of the overwhelming numbers of moral dropouts this degenerating society is producing. This is a classic indicator of a society on the cusp of a fall.

One moral question being asked is, should illegal aliens be covered by medical insurance? The sticking point of course is the word illegal. There seems to be a part in Common Law, which our law is based on, that covers one's use of something or living somewhere that does not belong to them. If, after a certain length of time of use without the owners objection, you can legitimately assert a claim on it. Well, since the US government, who claims ownership over the land these people are living on, seems to be allowing it – the illegal are defacto, no longer illegal. Moreover, these marginally legal residents work, pay taxes and contribute to society and generally have a higher moral standard than most university graduates. It seems that they have earned the right to have medical insurance as they are not generally a burden on society.

Our medical system is set up to care for those in society who have had unfortunate occurrences befall them in the course of a responsible lifestyle. Productive members of society, who for what ever reason must now be cared for. We can easily do that. The occasional unattached child or random victim of fate left out of society for what ever reason can be cared for, with assistance from a public fund, in the Christian spirit; but the general trend of the idea that “society owes me” is doomed to fail. "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." Do you remember that Kennedy brother?

Do socialized medical systems work? In Russia, yes it does; they have great doctors, mediocre equipment and if you want patient care in the hospital, your family must come in and do it. In England, yes it does. You have relatively good doctors and relatively good equipment and relatively good emergency care. But if you don't have an emergency you need to go through the system and wait your turn. Canada is the same. Both England and Canada have more and more budget limitations so things are breaking down. Private service seems to be becoming more popular. Japan is a bit better but doctors and hospitals are getting more tight and turn away more patients.

Make no mistake, America does already have a 'socialized' medical system supported by taxpayers. Medi-care, Medi-cal (California), the VA and others allow for people to walk-in or be transported by ambulance and get reasonable care. Not the best care or the most up to snuff medical procedures, but reasonable. Of course the government will try to recoup their expense from you, but if you can't pay they won't let you die. It is against the law for a hospital to refuse you service. So, yes illegal aliens, whether from Mexico or Mars, can not be turned away.

The question is, do we want a fully socialized medical care system where I can get all my warts taken care of for free? What a stupid question, of course we do!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Illegal Aliens and Health Insurance

President Obama said illegal aliens would not be covered by health insurance.
Congressman Wilson called him a liar.

Who is right? Well, actually Congressman Wilson was right, though he was unpardonably rude about it.

The House version protects illegal aliens but the Senate version 'sort of' doesn't. The Democrats are now running around trying to make an honest man of the president. Sort of.

What do you think?
Will the final bill say it is against the law for illegal aliens to be covered? No.
Will it say illegal aliens must pay for medical care? No.
What will it say about illegal aliens? Probably nothing.

Illegal aliens will not be covered by medical insurance, but the first hospital that refuses to admit a pregnant illegal alien will be in the courts and before Justice Sodomeyer so fast you would think it was a legal hurricane.

It will be declared unconstitutional discrimination. And from that time forward, legal resident's premiums and fees will cover the cost of illegal aliens pro bono health care. Kind of like no fault auto insurance.

How long will this take? I bet the day after Obama signs the bill, the woman will be walked into a selected hospital by three lawyers, a police witness and a dozen cameras. They will pick a federally funded hospital and an administrator who goes by the book. He will express his politically correct regrets and refuse service. Of course, after the cameras are turned off she will be admitted as a hardship case.

The next day, after the service is legally refused, someone will walk the legal mumbo jumbo document to the good justice's desk and she will sign an injunction against implimenting any restrictions. It will then be against the law to refuse service to anyone for anything based on immigration status. (of course it is already but, heh, we aren't going to let the facts interfere with a good political joust are we?)

I'm taking bets.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Children and Suicide in Japan

A response to the Japan Times Herald article:

A family walks into the supermarket and the child starts to misbehave. A stranger comes up and disciplines the child.

Generally speaking, parents don't like strangers yelling at their kids. I think this is much like the Japanese feeling towards foriegners (strangers) castigating them on their own 'family' behav ior.

As for the subject at hand, modern views on suicide in the west are firmly entrenched in the Judeo-Christian value of the human being as a child of God.

Without this concept, suicide, whether blatently steping in front of a Shinkansen or wandering off into the forest at old age, is concidered a normal part of society divesting itself of unneeded and/or excess hindrences in the path of healthy development.

People in the west (read: Christian, Jewish, Moslem) have a view that is different from older traditional norms and while it is true that the Abrahamic tradition is the majority today, it is not the older tradition, as you point out using Plato. Plato, remembered names in Greece, Rome, Egypt and countless unremembered names of people who committed and/or were given the 'honorable' way out to commit suicide

As I have pointed out in my past writings, I consider suicide the cowards way out and the ultimate screw you to anyone who loves or depends on you.

Child suicide and bullying in Japan mixes the equation with inept teaching and disciplinary methods (or lack of any method) and children just trying to escape the trap of pain as any rational being would. In traditional societies, child suicide is rare, though child mortality is not. Children are quite valuable and treated as such since their presence ensures the continuity of the farm, family and clan whereas in today's city culture children are more often seen as a hindrance and impediment to the freedom and lifestyle of the adults.

The modern city lifestyle is selfish and indulgent. Over crowding and the aberant behavior of unsupervised young is much like we see in elephant herds when the adolescent bulls are left without adults to guide them. Children in modern cities turn to running amock and those who aren't part of the 'in' crowd or can't handle the pressure are bullied into line or opt out.

The ultimate 'in' crowd for these adolescent societal losers is the suicide club.

But again, in the animist, shaminist view that underpins the East, the weak, infirm, elderly and just plain failures of society should do everyone a service and dispense with themselves. Its ultimately better for everyone. The bully is the tool nature uses to cull the herd or whip them into shape. There is a reason it's called the 'bully pulpit'. This is the view in Japan. And in history.

You may not like it. It may be wrong , there may be a better way; but interestingly, the idea that seems to be coming up in the health care debate about when to cut off care in hopeless or excessively expensive cases seems to hint at the circle returning of society deciding its time to walk out into the forest and die. Logan's Run?

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ABC Can You Believe?

Even mainstream might be getting nervous.

Personally I like this approach: I think congress should pass the law to give everyone all the health care they need and want. This will make the bleeding hearts happy.

The doctors will get paid by the same people who are paying the auto dealers for all the "cash for clunkers" they took in (but haven't seen a dime for yet), so the doctors will all go bankrupt and say "what the hell am I doing this for?" They will quit because they can't pay their bills. We will then all be entitled to the same care no one can get. So the far right will be happy.

We can then all take mid-afternoon naps, elect a famous model for the next president, drink ourselves into a contented stupor (our money will have no value so you better learn how to make your own) and join Mexico. Then Mexico will be happy cause they got their land back.

Everyone wins, Olay!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hey Mr Congressman, I want YOUR Health Care Plan

Why can't we all have the public health care plan all our congressional public servants have? Oh, I forgot, WE are THEIR public servants.

We need a PRIVATE health insurance plan, run by PRIVATE insurance companies with PUBLIC sponsorship. That means, if my premium is $100, the government should pay 70%.

BUT ALL premiums for children up to 18 should be 100% paid by the government to private insurance companies - perhaps through their schools. And university students should be spnsored through their university plan regardless of age. This will inspire kids to go to university.

Congress should make it illegal for insurance companies to cancel policies.

If someone losses their job or is homeless then the government should pick up the tab 100%.

And doctors need to be protected from law suits. Errors and corrective treatment should be addressed through additional medical treatment. If the doctor's mistake shows incompitence or neglect they should lose their license to practice. Lawyers need to get off the gravy train.

How about that?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Where is Augustine's "City on the Hill" and who lives there?
And perhaps more importantly: How do they live - with each other?

不知彼,不知己,每戰必殆 (孫子)

(If you don't know yourself and if you don't know your enemy,
then you are in for a world of hurt!)

γνῶθι σεαυτόν (Δελφοί)

“I couldn’t imagine this ... world.
Hell is so big and dark and heaven is so small." HJM

"the U.S. has a little manifest destiny over here,
and a little more manifest destiny over there..."


How About a Bill of Responsibilities Rather Than A Bill of Rights

What if we chose the wrong religion?
Each week we'd just make God madder and madder.