(The story is just an outline and draft. It has not been researched for details as yet, thus organizations and legal terms are not as they should be.)
Part I:
This story begins on March 31st, 2012 with the announcement that the US government will miss the next payment on its debt for the first time in 100 years bringing stories of immanent financial collapse and bankruptcy. The Treasury sharply scolded its critics for fear mongering.
1st of April 2013: April Fool's Day in America, many thought the Bank of China was on a fool's quest when it went before the World Court today to seek redress. It asked the Court to declare the US in involuntary bankruptcy and to allow the Bank to begin foreclosure proceedings.
Yesterday, the US Treasury missed its third payment on foreign debt and it was warning domestic bond holders that payment on all government bonds would be delayed "for the foreseeable future".
At the same time, with China holding nearly all America's foreign federal debt - through its corporations it also holds a good chunk of US domestic bonds. You will recall that the Bank of China bought all the US debt held by a seriously economically depressed Japan at an excellent rate. Many say a "charity" gift to keep the Japanese from slipping into abject poverty - caused ironically enough by the firm grip Chinese manufacturers have on the American market. It seemed like a terrible investment to most at the time and recent news merely confirms it.
"China bought and paid for the 'SS America' and is going down with it!" declared the Times. Most news reporters and financial analysts scoffed and accused the Chinese of grandstanding and gloating as even if the US went belly up there was very little that could be done by any country and with China holding the bag, it would be the one to suffer by far the most. The Times reporter asked the Bank attorney, "what are you going to do, put a 'auction' sign on the White House?"
The Treasury chided the Bank of China and in a statement saying that due to the Chinese hold on the American market it would always make a profit, so it should just write off the debt and start with a fresh slate.
When asked about this in Beijing, the Bank spokesman made clear that the Bank bought and held securities based on trust and that if the US took such a cavalier attitude toward debt, why didn't if forgive African and Latin American debt so easily?
1st of June 2013: Attorneys for the Bank of China made their final argument before the Court and asked the Court to rule giving the Bank authority to foreclose and seize assets.
The US did not represent itself in front of the Court and refused to recognize the authority of the Court in internal domestic matters. The Court announced that it would rule in seven to ten days.
On the 3rd of June, at a meeting of the General Assembly in New York, the Chinese delegate brought a surprise motion before the body asking the members to support a foreclosure action against the assets held by the American government. China was seeking amicus support to bring before the Court. The vote was nearly unanimous in favor, with Great Britain and Japan abstaining. The US representative voted against the measure of course.
Immediately after winning the support of the UN, the Bank warned that it would seek arrest warrants against US government officials and detention of all those outside of the United States. This left open the possibility that all Americans traveling abroad could be held if the Court rules in the Bank's favor in the coming weeks.
The 7Th of June 2013: China is launching an ambitious 3-satellite rocket into orbit tomorrow. With its new found economic dominance after the unprecedented worldwide recession caused by American bank and stock fraud foisted upon an unsuspecting and trusting world, Chinese factories are humming once again and Chinese flagged super cargo ships are sailing to ports across the Pacific.
In business news the Chinese government announced that due to the ever increasing and overwhelming debt the US owes China, it will continue to give deep discounts to its good friends, the American people, for as long as necessary.
Even though American businesses complain that they cannot compete at what they say are artificially low prices, ever since China bought GM, nearly all autos in America as well as most modern appliances have been manufactured in China and sold at prices no consumer could resist; they also own dozens of major corporations and thousands of hectors of private property. The American congress is in no position to complain.
Also in the news there were some concerns voiced by the Pentagon that there has been an unprecedented amount of activity around the coast of Taiwan lately by Chinese Coast Guard vessels. Taiwan TV seems to be unable to cover this event due to a cut in its main underwater transmission cables possibly due to unusual seismic disturbances. The US Geological Service doesn't think its caused by earthquakes but from something of an explosive nature, perhaps volcanic. The Chinese Coast Guard said it was checking reports and making enquiries in the area.
The evening 9th of June 2013: Peking announced that in the first stage of a repossession of assets, the successful launch of a rocket carrying three nuclear satellites intended to detonate over predetermined points above the United States. While not designed to do any real damage, as such, or cause direct casualties, they were intended to emit EM pulses which shut down all electrically charged devices. This initial police action was successful. A spokesman for the Bank of China said that this was the equivalent of marshals breaking down the door to evict squatters.
At the same time in the afternoon of the 9th of June 2013: The Governor of the Bank of China received a positive ruling and submitted foreclosure papers demanding immediate search and seizure action to the World Court in the Hague. The Chinese Bank Governor complained that the US was long in default on payments and the Bank had asked the People's Army to act as "marshal" in a foreclosure action. The Bank's Governor lamented, "We even charged them less than market value over several years to give them the opportunity to save and repay debts in a timely manner. But did they? No. You would think that as a government that expounds such high moral values to others they would cut back and be more prudent in their ways. They just spent and borrowed more and more. What can you do with people like that? You’d think they were addicts the way they stole our money and spent it. We just HAD to put a stop to it!" The Bank's Governor, who came in person to receive the ruling, justified the 5:00AM (Washington time) raid that cut the lights and public services to its American properties.
He was expecting to win the case before the Court but was pleasantly surprised that the overwhelming majority of the Court was supportive.
Later at the court, the court ordered the arrest and detention of the parties responsible for the uncontrolled waste of the world's assets through printing and spending money they did not actually have assets to cover.
American leaders and representatives were ordered to submit to World Court authorities within 24 hours and all gun carrying residents of the assets, including but not limited to, security guards, police and military were ordered to surrender the assets in their possession to the court appointed marshals at the nearest collection point to their location. For American's located in the territories of other nations or on the high seas, such nations or the nearest nation had the right to seize the assets and debtors as partial payment of arrears owed them.
Meanwhile, nuclear aircraft carrier battle groups in the Pacific were reported subdued by long range tactical missiles.
The Russian government indicated that, while taking a neutral position in the Chinese "foreclosure" action against the US for non payment of its huge arrears, it does hope the People's Republic remembers that the US is in debt to many countries and when possession is taken, an equal distribution of assets should be made. At the same time, the UN in Geneva praised the Marshal of the People's Army for his minimum use of force against innocent parties.
The 13th of June: San Francisco and San Pedro. A number of Chinese cargo ships have arrived in port off loading Chinese peace keepers and asset surveyors from the newly created "People's Ministry of External Asset Management".
The Assistant Governor of the Bank of China expressed his regret that so many innocent foreign nationals are suffering due to the shutdown of the transport and electrical services but said, "when you stay in the home of criminals who don't pay their bills, you do have to expect the lights to go off."
Russian and European reporters accompanying the foreclosure team asked the governor what will happen to the Americans. He said, that while it was unfortunate in the short term that, as criminals, they would have to work off their debt in various labor areas, in the end everyone would be much better off when the debt is paid.
The French reporter asked how long they expected the Americans to be in debt, the Governor said he wasn't really sure because, while the seized physical assets would go a long way, there was a lot of clean up to do as well as the necessary expenses of maintaining the debtors everyday life. "Perhaps a hundred or so years, we'll have to see," the Governor stated. "The estimate is about $75,000 per person of debt owed the Bank of China. This is, of course not including foreclosure and legal expenses. In addition, it is based on a 400 million population figure, but as you can see, real figures expected to work off the debt are very much smaller."
The 17th of June: Representatives of the World Court and World Bank flew into Washington DC this afternoon to arrest the president and government leaders. They are charged with malfeasance and massive fraud.
There are reams of paper being seized by World Bank auditors under the supervision of marshals as evidence in the largest ponzi scheme ever imagined in the history of intergovernmental relations.
The Chinese government bitterly complained that there was no possible way the US assets seized could cover its debts. "If we had allowed this massive swindle of the world's trust to continue, how could we ever have a world market free of corruption. Americans should be put at hard labor for ten generations to cover this debt and the suffering they have caused the people of the world!" the Bank Governor exclaimed before the assembled reporters.
All holders of American passports and birth certificates were ordered arrested and held for trial as co-conspirators and accessories to the crime.
(the story continues) (My wife says I need a love story - any suggestions?)
-- (fast forward)
America on the Auction Block
The territory of the former government of the United States has been divided into 50 biddable lots. Each lot corresponds to a former state. Each territory will, henceforth, be referred to by its lot number. For example, California is now Lot 23a (northern) and Lot 23b (southern). This lot was divided due to Mexico's claim that in the foreclosure process much of its territory and citizens were damaged or inconvenienced and its application for compensation is before the Court for review. It is expected to be approved.
In addition to Mexico, Canada claimed compensation as well; being so closely neighbored to the initial police action, substantial damage was inflicted on the people and territory. In compensation, Canada was awarded Lot 1 (Alaska).
It is expected that bids will be accepted between April and December 1 of 2016. This will give interested parties time to inspect the properties. Each party should be aware that Lots are “as is”. They will be completely cleared of the former occupants prior to possession. This is the primary reason for the delay.
Do you want to avoid this senerio? Watch this: "The Wizard of Oz"
This blog has evolved from a compilation of my comments in continuing discourses elsewhere
- if you are serious about philosophy and its current affect on you and society at large, check it out.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Nobel Prize with Respect
Ma Zhaoxu, spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a news
briefing: "By giving a convicted person the Nobel Peace Prize, they show no respect for China's judicial system."
...Let's see: Nazi Germany: Carl von Ossietzky, South Africa: Albert Lutuli and Nelson Mandela, Myanmar: Suu Kyi, Soviet Union: Sakharov, Communist Poland: Lech Walesa, Iran: Shirin Ebadi. Argentina Militay Gov: Adolfo Esquivel
Well, should we respect China's legal system?
Read More
briefing: "By giving a convicted person the Nobel Peace Prize, they show no respect for China's judicial system."
...Let's see: Nazi Germany: Carl von Ossietzky, South Africa: Albert Lutuli and Nelson Mandela, Myanmar: Suu Kyi, Soviet Union: Sakharov, Communist Poland: Lech Walesa, Iran: Shirin Ebadi. Argentina Militay Gov: Adolfo Esquivel
Well, should we respect China's legal system?
Read More
Monday, October 11, 2010
What is free will?

Does this horse have free will?
Is free will a conditioned response – like if you see a McDonald’s commercial and suddenly crave a Big Mac? Or your daughter sees a toy and wants one. Is that the exercise of free will?
Is it a response to stimuli, like if someone says something to you or writes to you or slaps you on the face and you respond – was that response free will?
If you say ‘yes’ that’s kind of like saying, if I jump off a cliff I have the free will to hit the ground.
Is free will the choice to move away from a fire, or the choice to go to the toilet or to choose to eat when hungry or the choice to get out of bed when you are rested or not? Do these choices of action come under the heading of free will?
If you need to go to school or work and you would like to go naked but you choose to wear clothes – was that an act of free will? Or an act of self-preservation.
If you would really like to strangle someone or push them out of the airlock because they are so annoying – but you don’t. Is that an act of free will or self-preservation.
Where does natural reaction to stumli or acts that preserve your life and status end and free will begin?
What is free will?
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum Joined at the Hip

In this age of terror threats you have the President and VP on stage together. How dumb is that. I really only say so because if anything happens we will have President Pelosi - and how scarey is that.
Now, on the other hand, after the election, if the Rebublicans take the House, these two twits can walk down the middle of the streets of Bagdad hand in hand for all I care.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Is there proof for evolution as a universal law or only a localized phenomena?
1. Carbon based life forms seem to exhibit the characteristics of evolution on earth.
2. Have these same qualities been tested and confirmed anywhere else?
3. Have life forms other than Earth carbon based been shown to exhibit these characteristics on earth or anywhere else?
4. Have any life forms other than Earth carbon based been discovered and tested?
5. What conditions would have to exist for such life forms to exist?
6. Is physical mass required for life?
If there were any other life form would we even recognize it as being a life form?
2. Have these same qualities been tested and confirmed anywhere else?
3. Have life forms other than Earth carbon based been shown to exhibit these characteristics on earth or anywhere else?
4. Have any life forms other than Earth carbon based been discovered and tested?
5. What conditions would have to exist for such life forms to exist?
6. Is physical mass required for life?
If there were any other life form would we even recognize it as being a life form?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
American Thinker October 8, 2010
Amanpour Inadvertently Exposes the Real Issue with Islam
William Sullivan
Recently, Christianne Amanpour hosted a panel discussion meant to explore the misunderstood delineation between moderate and extremist Islam.
A dichotomy is certainly brought to light in discussion, but considering Amanpour is a staunch Islamic apologist, it is probably not the one she meant to expose. She likely sought to support the notion that Islam is peaceful, and to advance the belief that only a small contingent of radicals corrupts the faith. To those ends, she enlisted guests of Christian and Muslim backgrounds for her panel, and I'm fairly certain she expected the Christian guests to attack Islam as an intolerant faith bent on universalizing Sharia, while her Muslim guests and audience members would defend themselves as peaceful practitioners of the tolerant faith of Islam.
Americans are familiar with the strategy. It's the standard stuff that tends to make Christians look intolerant and Muslims look misunderstood.
To Read the Full Article:
William Sullivan
Recently, Christianne Amanpour hosted a panel discussion meant to explore the misunderstood delineation between moderate and extremist Islam.
A dichotomy is certainly brought to light in discussion, but considering Amanpour is a staunch Islamic apologist, it is probably not the one she meant to expose. She likely sought to support the notion that Islam is peaceful, and to advance the belief that only a small contingent of radicals corrupts the faith. To those ends, she enlisted guests of Christian and Muslim backgrounds for her panel, and I'm fairly certain she expected the Christian guests to attack Islam as an intolerant faith bent on universalizing Sharia, while her Muslim guests and audience members would defend themselves as peaceful practitioners of the tolerant faith of Islam.
Americans are familiar with the strategy. It's the standard stuff that tends to make Christians look intolerant and Muslims look misunderstood.
To Read the Full Article:
My view on Nihilism:
nihilism: the refusal to believe in 'God'or a creator. The belief that there is no inherant purpose to life and that what ever is, is simply the result of ramdom sequences of events with no purpose or design attached to them.
In other words:
The 'big bang' was a chance happening that simply occured due to some unexplained random underlying phenomena taking place. All other sequential events occuring as a result of the initial explosion, were and are chance occurances with no rhyme nor reason attached to them other than the possibility of developing a more viable entity useful to the original organism's chances of survival. Though why and how evolutionary processes came into existance from that initial explosion and spewing of debris across the universe is unexplained other than to assume that the initial spark of life randomly figured out it needed to develop more attributes (one of which was to multiply itself) to insure its survival.
Humans have no purpose to their existance other than that which they give themselves as dirived from their own imagination and conceit on the value of said existance. Humans are, by nature, a construct whose appearance was for the sole purpose of giving monkeys a better chance at survival. Whether humans exist or go extinct makes no difference to the universe as a whole. Any rights, priviledges or responsibilities an individual, family, society or group of humans may feel they have or are owed are simply an extension of their individual or collective imagination and is directly related to their survival and enhancement as a successful product of ongoing universal processes. Nature does not give nor infer any rights on any human any more than it would on any other existance. Any belief in 'natural law' is simply a tool used by humanist, secular 'non-believers' to explain why anyone should be treated 'fairly' in a godless, inherently unfair and unforgiving universe.
The concept of 'natural law' is an idea useful for controlling mobs and ensuring the lifestyle comforts and safety of the alpha and beta (alpha wannabes) ruling class. A tool used by the alpha class to assist the general rabble in understanding their place in the universe and how to 'properly' climb the social ladder without ripping the throat out of the previous alphas as is done in every other species, including monkeys AND 'natural' man. Those in the alpha position hate change as it is a threat to them; thus the purpose of the philosophy of “Natural Law” is to prevent ‘unregulated’ and ‘illegal’ social change as much as possible. This product of human 'social' evolution, a 'civilized' view of natural law is, of course, only effective in areas of society where these restrictions are recognized by a subdued general population. There is the underlying fear that given the breakdown of civilization, this view of natural law, it actually being itself un-natural, will breakdown into its true 'natural' form - the survival of the breeders fittest for improving the general stock and ensuring the next level of evolution.
There is the possibility that humans may reach the point when they could artificially self-manage their own evolution. There are a myriad of possibilities in this concept all the way up to humans being able to manage the whole of the universe to their liking. This does not seem likely however simply based on the adage: shit happens. And nature, for the foreseeable future being in the driver’s seat, may come up with an evolutionary entity to protect itself from us: an ‘anti-human' rather like an anti-virus.
Two thoughts:
Heidegger views Nietzsche’s metaphysics as a perfection of nihilism.
Postmodernism in conjunction with television seem to make nihilism socially acceptable.
It is then quite understandable why modern western intellectuals cannot see beyond the rational logic of nihilism, and yet, due to some underlying calling within themselves, feel a need to find a greater 'metaphysical' purpose, goal or value out of what should be seen as infinitely more complex yet little more than the completely natural process of fruit fermenting into alcohol on a universal level.
In other words: no daddy, great protector and provider - you're on your own bubba. Keep your head down and your eyes open.
In other words:
The 'big bang' was a chance happening that simply occured due to some unexplained random underlying phenomena taking place. All other sequential events occuring as a result of the initial explosion, were and are chance occurances with no rhyme nor reason attached to them other than the possibility of developing a more viable entity useful to the original organism's chances of survival. Though why and how evolutionary processes came into existance from that initial explosion and spewing of debris across the universe is unexplained other than to assume that the initial spark of life randomly figured out it needed to develop more attributes (one of which was to multiply itself) to insure its survival.
Humans have no purpose to their existance other than that which they give themselves as dirived from their own imagination and conceit on the value of said existance. Humans are, by nature, a construct whose appearance was for the sole purpose of giving monkeys a better chance at survival. Whether humans exist or go extinct makes no difference to the universe as a whole. Any rights, priviledges or responsibilities an individual, family, society or group of humans may feel they have or are owed are simply an extension of their individual or collective imagination and is directly related to their survival and enhancement as a successful product of ongoing universal processes. Nature does not give nor infer any rights on any human any more than it would on any other existance. Any belief in 'natural law' is simply a tool used by humanist, secular 'non-believers' to explain why anyone should be treated 'fairly' in a godless, inherently unfair and unforgiving universe.
The concept of 'natural law' is an idea useful for controlling mobs and ensuring the lifestyle comforts and safety of the alpha and beta (alpha wannabes) ruling class. A tool used by the alpha class to assist the general rabble in understanding their place in the universe and how to 'properly' climb the social ladder without ripping the throat out of the previous alphas as is done in every other species, including monkeys AND 'natural' man. Those in the alpha position hate change as it is a threat to them; thus the purpose of the philosophy of “Natural Law” is to prevent ‘unregulated’ and ‘illegal’ social change as much as possible. This product of human 'social' evolution, a 'civilized' view of natural law is, of course, only effective in areas of society where these restrictions are recognized by a subdued general population. There is the underlying fear that given the breakdown of civilization, this view of natural law, it actually being itself un-natural, will breakdown into its true 'natural' form - the survival of the breeders fittest for improving the general stock and ensuring the next level of evolution.
There is the possibility that humans may reach the point when they could artificially self-manage their own evolution. There are a myriad of possibilities in this concept all the way up to humans being able to manage the whole of the universe to their liking. This does not seem likely however simply based on the adage: shit happens. And nature, for the foreseeable future being in the driver’s seat, may come up with an evolutionary entity to protect itself from us: an ‘anti-human' rather like an anti-virus.
Two thoughts:
Heidegger views Nietzsche’s metaphysics as a perfection of nihilism.
Postmodernism in conjunction with television seem to make nihilism socially acceptable.
It is then quite understandable why modern western intellectuals cannot see beyond the rational logic of nihilism, and yet, due to some underlying calling within themselves, feel a need to find a greater 'metaphysical' purpose, goal or value out of what should be seen as infinitely more complex yet little more than the completely natural process of fruit fermenting into alcohol on a universal level.
In other words: no daddy, great protector and provider - you're on your own bubba. Keep your head down and your eyes open.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Weeding out the Weak and the Idiots at Rutgers
Hazing, harassment and bullying - time honored social institutions for weeding out the weak, sick and socially unviable. I do not really see why people are so shocked at what Dharun Ravi and Molly Wei did. University freshmen are not really famous for their grasp of reality. Such things happen at university, afterall isn't that what pledge week is all about?
A student died, rather killed himself, because he was a victim of such airheads who thought, if you could call it thought, it would be fun to screw the roommate socially as he was being screwed physically. Sad for the family of the student who killed himself - pretty stupid act on the part of the idiot doing the filming and he will no doubt pay for that stupidity.
I certainly would not want my sex acts with my girlfriend or wife broadcast on the internet for all the world, friends and family to comment on for years afterward. That, however has always been what our society is about; whether the person is involved in a 'normal' act or socially unacceptable act, people do notice and some react in ways you may not appreciate. You had better be able to buck up and move ahead or you are going to get crushed.
A hard lesson to learn and one to which many do indeed fall victim. It happens in the family: parents beat up on children and between brothers and sisters; in society between groups: the 'ins' and 'outs', the 'haves' and 'have nots', the 'jocks' and the 'geeks' and even between nations - like China bullying its neighbors. The weak are victimized by the strong. This is no shock. If you want shock, just wait til they start accepting openly gay guys into the barracks of the US military - it could be mass murder.
Do you want to change it? Stop it? Start with your own callous behavior towards others.
A student died, rather killed himself, because he was a victim of such airheads who thought, if you could call it thought, it would be fun to screw the roommate socially as he was being screwed physically. Sad for the family of the student who killed himself - pretty stupid act on the part of the idiot doing the filming and he will no doubt pay for that stupidity.
I certainly would not want my sex acts with my girlfriend or wife broadcast on the internet for all the world, friends and family to comment on for years afterward. That, however has always been what our society is about; whether the person is involved in a 'normal' act or socially unacceptable act, people do notice and some react in ways you may not appreciate. You had better be able to buck up and move ahead or you are going to get crushed.
A hard lesson to learn and one to which many do indeed fall victim. It happens in the family: parents beat up on children and between brothers and sisters; in society between groups: the 'ins' and 'outs', the 'haves' and 'have nots', the 'jocks' and the 'geeks' and even between nations - like China bullying its neighbors. The weak are victimized by the strong. This is no shock. If you want shock, just wait til they start accepting openly gay guys into the barracks of the US military - it could be mass murder.
Do you want to change it? Stop it? Start with your own callous behavior towards others.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I don't 'feel' your pain, Todd.
"Todd Henderson, a corporate law professor at the University of Chicago, prominent college law professor's posting of his family's finances on the Web to make the case that they're struggling to make ends meet -- despite their more-than-$250,000 income."
Oh, the poor baby doesn't 'feel' rich. Tsk, tsk.
Oh, the poor baby doesn't 'feel' rich. Tsk, tsk.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
President Barak "vacation" Obama
This guy has more vacation days than work days.
The man says he's working 24/7 on jobs for the American people.
The man says he's working 24/7 on jobs for the American people.
Excuse me, he ain't workin' 24 nothin.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Looking at the issue of free will, a response
I would say that yes we have free will, but within the confines of our box. Everyone lives inside a box. We certainly like the idea of thinking outside the box, but invariably that leads to dissatisfaction.
The box is society, family, nation, financial, education, fears etc. All the things that keep us in the cave. It is nearly impossible to 'think outside the box' unless there is a window on one of the walls of your box. You need that window to widen your frame of reference. And a problem is that YOU may think outsede the box but your associates do not.
I personally do not think that society as a whole has been going downhill. Our boxes are getting larger as societies interact with each other. The danger as I see it, is that truth in each society is relative, as you say, and as the truth of one society bumps up against the truth of another society there is social confusion. However, the portion of absolute universal truth that is in each survives as the more relative truths fall away. During this time there are victims and societies often do not survive without adaption of the higher universal truth. But greater societies emerge and come to the fore.
For example, today we have a clash of capitalism (individualism) vs socialism (group); Christianity (self-centered salvation) vs Buddhism (salvation for all); self-gratification 'me' generation vs mutually dependant society. This is a problem as there seems no viable 'mutually dependant society' counterweight to the 'me' 'I'm saved, to hell with you' society. Society is crying out for this balancing truth. History does show however that balance will come even if it means the destruction of the current empires.
There is an absolute truth and we are climbing out of the cave in search of it. If there were not, there would be no advancement.
The box is society, family, nation, financial, education, fears etc. All the things that keep us in the cave. It is nearly impossible to 'think outside the box' unless there is a window on one of the walls of your box. You need that window to widen your frame of reference. And a problem is that YOU may think outsede the box but your associates do not.
I personally do not think that society as a whole has been going downhill. Our boxes are getting larger as societies interact with each other. The danger as I see it, is that truth in each society is relative, as you say, and as the truth of one society bumps up against the truth of another society there is social confusion. However, the portion of absolute universal truth that is in each survives as the more relative truths fall away. During this time there are victims and societies often do not survive without adaption of the higher universal truth. But greater societies emerge and come to the fore.
For example, today we have a clash of capitalism (individualism) vs socialism (group); Christianity (self-centered salvation) vs Buddhism (salvation for all); self-gratification 'me' generation vs mutually dependant society. This is a problem as there seems no viable 'mutually dependant society' counterweight to the 'me' 'I'm saved, to hell with you' society. Society is crying out for this balancing truth. History does show however that balance will come even if it means the destruction of the current empires.
There is an absolute truth and we are climbing out of the cave in search of it. If there were not, there would be no advancement.
Monday, August 30, 2010
What is Truth?
In my philosophy: "Truth is not dependent upon “having to be true”, but neither is it necessary that "truth be induced by reason and confirmed with evidence" to be true.
Truth is absolute. It does not have to be true, nor is it dependent upon being recognized as being true. God could not exist without truth. Nor could science, reason, nor faith. Truth is the essence of "is".
For those relativists in the crowd: if something is 99.99% true - then it isn't truth.
For example: If you were on a rocketship and your destination were Mars; you set your course with 99.99% accuracy, would you land on Mars? No. Your course would not be true.
If the laws of physics were 99.99% true, what would happen to the universe?
Unified Field Theory.
Unified Field Theory requires absolute truth, otherwise it won't work. And so, absolute truth governs the laws of nature. It is then logical that it governs humans. If that is so, one might suggest that human misery rises in direct relationship to the further we are from that absolute.
I would have to argue that individuals have free will. We have never shown the predisposition towards the nature of ants, even when working in the most organized of groups. On the other hand, our relationships between other humans, individually and as a group, both require that we act with deference towards each other as well as lower life forms. To consider the needs of others. In other words, act within the confines of natural law. The more harmonious the natural relationship, the more smoothly life and feelings of happiness.
More and more in today's society we see discontent and environmental degredation. Why? We know naturally within ourselves that when we treat another human or animal with respect they are happy. When they treat us with respect we are happy. But something seems to be breaking down and more and more people are acting like rouge social elements. Individualism, self-centeredness, crime and discontent rises.
This is easier to see on a societal level but harder to see on an individual level. But just as Unified Field Theory would require things work in a certain way on the large scale, it would as well require that they work similarly on the smallest scale.
For example, my respect for others translates into my respect for myself. We know this esoterically, but seem to forget it in daily even hourly practice. If you need an example of this just look at the way some young people dress. They clearly seem to be crying out for recognition (ie: respect) because, fundementally they do not respect themselves. More and more youngsters are becoming socially alienated as they are able to amuse themselves cut off from the 'herd', away from the source of respect.
As a natural extension to this agrument is the Prime Mover. Is God, the creator, bound by his own laws? Can God suspend them as and when he so chooses? Was the universe created in six days? Were Adam and Eve created out of mud or is that Allegory? Did Moses part the Red Sea? Did God impregnate Mary or did Jesus have a father? Did he walk on water, do miracles or float up to heaven? Are these events true or are they discriptions of real occurances in fable form? Where does faith degenerate into hocus pocus losing all credibility? Does faith have to be about the unreasonable or just the unknown?
This argument can go on and on. I would say that it is one of the reasons 'positive psychology' has become so popular in universities.
Truth is absolute. It does not have to be true, nor is it dependent upon being recognized as being true. God could not exist without truth. Nor could science, reason, nor faith. Truth is the essence of "is".
For those relativists in the crowd: if something is 99.99% true - then it isn't truth.
For example: If you were on a rocketship and your destination were Mars; you set your course with 99.99% accuracy, would you land on Mars? No. Your course would not be true.
If the laws of physics were 99.99% true, what would happen to the universe?
Unified Field Theory.
Unified Field Theory requires absolute truth, otherwise it won't work. And so, absolute truth governs the laws of nature. It is then logical that it governs humans. If that is so, one might suggest that human misery rises in direct relationship to the further we are from that absolute.
I would have to argue that individuals have free will. We have never shown the predisposition towards the nature of ants, even when working in the most organized of groups. On the other hand, our relationships between other humans, individually and as a group, both require that we act with deference towards each other as well as lower life forms. To consider the needs of others. In other words, act within the confines of natural law. The more harmonious the natural relationship, the more smoothly life and feelings of happiness.
More and more in today's society we see discontent and environmental degredation. Why? We know naturally within ourselves that when we treat another human or animal with respect they are happy. When they treat us with respect we are happy. But something seems to be breaking down and more and more people are acting like rouge social elements. Individualism, self-centeredness, crime and discontent rises.
This is easier to see on a societal level but harder to see on an individual level. But just as Unified Field Theory would require things work in a certain way on the large scale, it would as well require that they work similarly on the smallest scale.
For example, my respect for others translates into my respect for myself. We know this esoterically, but seem to forget it in daily even hourly practice. If you need an example of this just look at the way some young people dress. They clearly seem to be crying out for recognition (ie: respect) because, fundementally they do not respect themselves. More and more youngsters are becoming socially alienated as they are able to amuse themselves cut off from the 'herd', away from the source of respect.
As a natural extension to this agrument is the Prime Mover. Is God, the creator, bound by his own laws? Can God suspend them as and when he so chooses? Was the universe created in six days? Were Adam and Eve created out of mud or is that Allegory? Did Moses part the Red Sea? Did God impregnate Mary or did Jesus have a father? Did he walk on water, do miracles or float up to heaven? Are these events true or are they discriptions of real occurances in fable form? Where does faith degenerate into hocus pocus losing all credibility? Does faith have to be about the unreasonable or just the unknown?
This argument can go on and on. I would say that it is one of the reasons 'positive psychology' has become so popular in universities.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Teaching English in Japan?
Should I or shouldn't I? That is the question. I have been teaching for five years part time with one of the fast food English Language chains in Japan. A pleasant enough experience once in a while. Helps fill the time and puts money in the pocket.
But alas, my patience, being saintly as it is, is wearing thin. This type of conversation 'school' is more a beauty and popularity contest and much less an actual educational experience. In fact, it could be refered to as talkingt to a wall and then expecting the wall to talk back.
Yes, ok, once in a while people do walk in who actually want to learn something. They are a pleasure to speak too and one can actually have an intelligent conversation which helps them to increase their skill. On the other hand you have a great many who are so emotionally immature that if you look at them sideways they fall apart.
It really is no wonder that instructors either leave soon after starting, or just decide they are talking to a wall and enjoy the wall paper. I have one friend who has a smile that looks glued on.
Ah, well ... what should I do next to stay entertained while living in this 'safety' country?
But alas, my patience, being saintly as it is, is wearing thin. This type of conversation 'school' is more a beauty and popularity contest and much less an actual educational experience. In fact, it could be refered to as talkingt to a wall and then expecting the wall to talk back.
Yes, ok, once in a while people do walk in who actually want to learn something. They are a pleasure to speak too and one can actually have an intelligent conversation which helps them to increase their skill. On the other hand you have a great many who are so emotionally immature that if you look at them sideways they fall apart.
It really is no wonder that instructors either leave soon after starting, or just decide they are talking to a wall and enjoy the wall paper. I have one friend who has a smile that looks glued on.
Ah, well ... what should I do next to stay entertained while living in this 'safety' country?
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Boycott Samsung!!
Samsung doesn't find satirical spoof amusing. Samsung shows its arrogance as former criminal, Chairman Lee Kun-hee convicted for tax evasion and bribing two former presidents, re-takes control of Korean chaebol, by suing British columnist for satiric Christmas story.
Samseong-eul Saenggakhanda. One wonders how you can be sued for damage to its reputation if the one suing has already damaged itself.
Samsung doesn't find satirical spoof amusing
Oh, and just so you don't think this is a one off thing" They've done it before many times: Samsung can't take a joke or real criticism, resorts to bullying: Samsung, the great vampire squid
And this: "'Isn’t this a comedy?' Mr. Kim, 52, said in an interview. 'I am challenging them to slap my face, to file a libel suit against me, but they don’t. They treat me like a nut case, an invisible man, although I am shouting about the biggest crime in the history of the nation.' 'Think Samsung': Corporate corruption and unethical government influence
And from 2006 - old but the phone isn't the issue, how they deal with the 'little people' is:
Samsung Lets The World Know Its Phones Are Breakable
And if you think it's bad for the customers - think about the workers of this chaebol corporate monster:
"While Samsung corrupt practices are being revealed, at the same time the dead left by Samsung's refusal to allow trade unions and to fully protect its electronics workers, are now coming to haunt him. Already 10 workers have died, of leukemia or other blood cancers, and a total of at least 26 have been known to have fallen ill. Most recently, former semiconductor factory worker Park Ji-yeon died at the tender age of just 23, after working only 3 years."
For more from the group of workers and victims who demand accountability from Samsung (SHARPS), see Samsung workers die on the job
More: Samsung Tries to Sue Its Way to Mohammunity
Samseong-eul Saenggakhanda. One wonders how you can be sued for damage to its reputation if the one suing has already damaged itself.
Samsung doesn't find satirical spoof amusing
Oh, and just so you don't think this is a one off thing" They've done it before many times: Samsung can't take a joke or real criticism, resorts to bullying: Samsung, the great vampire squid
And this: "'Isn’t this a comedy?' Mr. Kim, 52, said in an interview. 'I am challenging them to slap my face, to file a libel suit against me, but they don’t. They treat me like a nut case, an invisible man, although I am shouting about the biggest crime in the history of the nation.' 'Think Samsung': Corporate corruption and unethical government influence
And from 2006 - old but the phone isn't the issue, how they deal with the 'little people' is:
Samsung Lets The World Know Its Phones Are Breakable
And if you think it's bad for the customers - think about the workers of this chaebol corporate monster:
"While Samsung corrupt practices are being revealed, at the same time the dead left by Samsung's refusal to allow trade unions and to fully protect its electronics workers, are now coming to haunt him. Already 10 workers have died, of leukemia or other blood cancers, and a total of at least 26 have been known to have fallen ill. Most recently, former semiconductor factory worker Park Ji-yeon died at the tender age of just 23, after working only 3 years."
For more from the group of workers and victims who demand accountability from Samsung (SHARPS), see Samsung workers die on the job
More: Samsung Tries to Sue Its Way to Mohammunity
Sunday, May 2, 2010
What is the definition of a journalist?
1. One who collects and disseminates information about current events, people, trends, and issues.
2. A person who collects and edits news.
3. A writer for newspapers, magazines and other media outlets.
4. An objective and unbiased reporter of sourced material.
5. A person who keeps a journal.
6. A person who interprets current events and their meaning.
7. One who conveys information for the good of the people
8. One who conveys information to inform the people
9. A person who sits at a desk all day turning wire copy into a story.
10. A person who reads a prompter on TV informing the people.
All of the above? Various parts of the above? None of the above?
What would you say?
2. A person who collects and edits news.
3. A writer for newspapers, magazines and other media outlets.
4. An objective and unbiased reporter of sourced material.
5. A person who keeps a journal.
6. A person who interprets current events and their meaning.
7. One who conveys information for the good of the people
8. One who conveys information to inform the people
9. A person who sits at a desk all day turning wire copy into a story.
10. A person who reads a prompter on TV informing the people.
All of the above? Various parts of the above? None of the above?
What would you say?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Who are the most influential 'truthmakers'?
Who is the most influential 'truthmaker'in the world today?
My vote goes to the press secretary for POTUS. After all, he would never lie ... right?
Who do you think?
My vote goes to the press secretary for POTUS. After all, he would never lie ... right?
Who do you think?
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Thank you Mr. Bryant ...
... and to Mr. Scott Rosenberg I say, bloggers are the modern day reincarnation of the 19th century muckrakers. Some of their methods are sensational and irresponsible and they surely intend, as did their grandfathers (John Steinbeck, Lincoln Steffens, Ida Tarbell, David Graham Phillips, Ray Stannard Baker, Samuel Hopkins Adams, and Upton Sinclair), to stir up public opinion as it is that very opinion that moves the heart, mind and soul to action.
Without the competition of the muckrakes, the mainstream press would continue to degenerate into the "1984" mouthpiece of the brave new world lapdog. So to Mr. Rosenberg and his ilk I say, please retire quickly as the chains of servitude to the 'truthmakers' ensconced about your neck are weighing too heavily on the rest of us.
Without the competition of the muckrakes, the mainstream press would continue to degenerate into the "1984" mouthpiece of the brave new world lapdog. So to Mr. Rosenberg and his ilk I say, please retire quickly as the chains of servitude to the 'truthmakers' ensconced about your neck are weighing too heavily on the rest of us.
Monday, April 26, 2010
A Free Press? Where's the money?
Why is the press so easily cowed, manipulated and coerced into submission?
1. In previous times, being a news reporter fell into two categories:
a. The town crier. This person was hired by the government to make announcements regarding public safety and news the government felt the people needed to know. This was a good safe and secure job as long as you did not let your opinion in anyway interfere with the 'official' view.
b. The rumor mill. These people were the sneaky busy bodies that made it their business to spread the bad and selacious gossip on everyone. This job really wasn't a job at all. More like a hobby. It often led to broken noses, death threats and a bad image in the community.
2. It cost money to put out the news. Where to get it and what do they want for it?
In ages past, the proclamation, a paper 'town crier,' was pasted on or tacked to a wall, door or other publicly accessible place or handed out on the street. It was paid for by the government and regularly disparagingly refered to as propaganda. Money wasn't a problem and the only editorial view was the official line.
The 'rag' or rumor mill was put out by hobbyists with an ax to grind or grievances against whatever and who ever. It was paid for by the hobbyist and his (no her) friends. It was often distributed in secret and posted to walls, often placed surreptitiously overtop the official sheet. If you were found in possession of said rag you were often beaten, jailed, shot or otherwise frowned upon. It was financially independent of everyone but the close knit group that put it out and lasted as long as their fortitude, fortune or life.
The muckraking press of the 1900's, especially in New York was an exaggerated example of this where the hobbyist was Hearst and the writers dedicated idealists and/or thrill seekers even in the face of great personal danger, with papers and offices often burned by the outraged and reporters beaten or killed - not usually by the government.
3. Today and the 'free' press.
Where does the term 'free press' come from and what does it mean? "A press not restricted or controlled by government censorship as to politics or ideology." Notice the definition says nothing of support by or access to the government (kind of like 'freedom or religion').
A free press allows you to print your views on anything without the government stomping on you. This was a hard fought right granted in the Bill of Rights to the American people. Not to the British, French, Japanese or any other. For those groups it is still an ideal, but not a right. Those dedicated reporters, as in yesteryear are few and far between, and like in ages past (being somewhat suicidal) have a tendency to get killed while their weak willed cowardly colleagues stay in cushy offices and do great imitations of 'town criers'.
So, "how goes it America? Is the press still free?" Why yes it is. In fact it's booming: newspapers large and small, blogs, tweets and all sorts and manner to let the world know you’re there.
Really? Sure, if you can afford to print it and you have no fear of losing your job by offending someone who could otherwise make your life hell (not the government of course), you can tell it to the world.
What happened? Why don't reporters ask probing questions? Why don't they write inspired undercover stories exposing the ills of society like their brothers of 100 years ago? Why are present day reporters just sitting in their office writing stories from wire services? Easy answer: Points one and two as above, paraphrased:
1. Writing real news is dangerous and hard work done by dedicated hobbyists who are willing to risk everything for the dedication or thrill. It is ever so much safer to imitate a town crier and get your news from the official wire.
2. Real news is written by publications and reporters, bloggers, etc who have the money from like minded people with the resources to ignore pubic and advertiser’s opinions or are willing to risk what they have for the thrill or dedication to an ideal.
The government is under no obligation to help you and it is not supposd to hinder you. If you depend on the government or anyone else for money you can't very well complain when they tell you they don't want you to print something and if you do they won't give you any more money. And if in your zeal, you steal someone's property or secrets just to get a jump on a story for your own self-satisfaction, you should not be surprised if they are upset about it and seek redress.
1. In previous times, being a news reporter fell into two categories:
a. The town crier. This person was hired by the government to make announcements regarding public safety and news the government felt the people needed to know. This was a good safe and secure job as long as you did not let your opinion in anyway interfere with the 'official' view.
b. The rumor mill. These people were the sneaky busy bodies that made it their business to spread the bad and selacious gossip on everyone. This job really wasn't a job at all. More like a hobby. It often led to broken noses, death threats and a bad image in the community.
2. It cost money to put out the news. Where to get it and what do they want for it?
In ages past, the proclamation, a paper 'town crier,' was pasted on or tacked to a wall, door or other publicly accessible place or handed out on the street. It was paid for by the government and regularly disparagingly refered to as propaganda. Money wasn't a problem and the only editorial view was the official line.
The 'rag' or rumor mill was put out by hobbyists with an ax to grind or grievances against whatever and who ever. It was paid for by the hobbyist and his (no her) friends. It was often distributed in secret and posted to walls, often placed surreptitiously overtop the official sheet. If you were found in possession of said rag you were often beaten, jailed, shot or otherwise frowned upon. It was financially independent of everyone but the close knit group that put it out and lasted as long as their fortitude, fortune or life.
The muckraking press of the 1900's, especially in New York was an exaggerated example of this where the hobbyist was Hearst and the writers dedicated idealists and/or thrill seekers even in the face of great personal danger, with papers and offices often burned by the outraged and reporters beaten or killed - not usually by the government.
3. Today and the 'free' press.
Where does the term 'free press' come from and what does it mean? "A press not restricted or controlled by government censorship as to politics or ideology." Notice the definition says nothing of support by or access to the government (kind of like 'freedom or religion').
A free press allows you to print your views on anything without the government stomping on you. This was a hard fought right granted in the Bill of Rights to the American people. Not to the British, French, Japanese or any other. For those groups it is still an ideal, but not a right. Those dedicated reporters, as in yesteryear are few and far between, and like in ages past (being somewhat suicidal) have a tendency to get killed while their weak willed cowardly colleagues stay in cushy offices and do great imitations of 'town criers'.
So, "how goes it America? Is the press still free?" Why yes it is. In fact it's booming: newspapers large and small, blogs, tweets and all sorts and manner to let the world know you’re there.
Really? Sure, if you can afford to print it and you have no fear of losing your job by offending someone who could otherwise make your life hell (not the government of course), you can tell it to the world.
What happened? Why don't reporters ask probing questions? Why don't they write inspired undercover stories exposing the ills of society like their brothers of 100 years ago? Why are present day reporters just sitting in their office writing stories from wire services? Easy answer: Points one and two as above, paraphrased:
1. Writing real news is dangerous and hard work done by dedicated hobbyists who are willing to risk everything for the dedication or thrill. It is ever so much safer to imitate a town crier and get your news from the official wire.
2. Real news is written by publications and reporters, bloggers, etc who have the money from like minded people with the resources to ignore pubic and advertiser’s opinions or are willing to risk what they have for the thrill or dedication to an ideal.
The government is under no obligation to help you and it is not supposd to hinder you. If you depend on the government or anyone else for money you can't very well complain when they tell you they don't want you to print something and if you do they won't give you any more money. And if in your zeal, you steal someone's property or secrets just to get a jump on a story for your own self-satisfaction, you should not be surprised if they are upset about it and seek redress.
Hatoyama ... who?
When the prime minister of Israel went to DC he experienced the displeasure of the Obama administration. He and his team were left alone in the Roosevelt Room to try to come up with a plan that would make the US happy, while Obama went home for dinner.
Hatoyama on the other hand, never made it even close to the White House, let alone to the Roosevelt Room. Hatoyama was so ignored that the best he could do was meet with America's official fuel pump attendant. I wonder if they talked about the price of oil? What else could you talk about at that level?
It seems that Mr. Hatoyama gave a very important speech at the Nuclear Security Summit, a 'keynote address,' but the problem is, nobody and I do mean NO body knows about it.
Reading the tea leaves, I would say it is probably a good time to either execute the Okinawa Treaty - or dump Hatoyama and start apologizing to the US for being a bad boy. Otherwise it could get rather cold out here in Asia.
Hatoyama on the other hand, never made it even close to the White House, let alone to the Roosevelt Room. Hatoyama was so ignored that the best he could do was meet with America's official fuel pump attendant. I wonder if they talked about the price of oil? What else could you talk about at that level?
It seems that Mr. Hatoyama gave a very important speech at the Nuclear Security Summit, a 'keynote address,' but the problem is, nobody and I do mean NO body knows about it.
Reading the tea leaves, I would say it is probably a good time to either execute the Okinawa Treaty - or dump Hatoyama and start apologizing to the US for being a bad boy. Otherwise it could get rather cold out here in Asia.
Surprised? I think not.
Hey Mr. and Mrs. Alien and all the kiddies, please go home.
Arizona just passed, and the governor signed into law, a massive headache for President Obama. They didn't really pass a 'new' law. They just reminded everyone of the old law. If you are in the country (any country) illegally you are commiting a crime and you should go the way of all criminals. You are not an undocumented worker, you are a criminal.
If you enter a country illegally or overstay your visa, what happens? If I went to Mexico and overstayed my visa what would happen to me? If I tried to get a job in Japan without a proper work visa, what would happen? Please don't try to tell me these 'human rights' demonstators in Phoenix are ignorant of this.
Perhaps the United States and Mexico should just sign a treaty much like the European Union which says citizens of either country can freely live and work in either country as they choose.
Until then adiós, sayonara and have a nice trip home.
For those of you who object to this law, and call the officers who enforce it racist, try this on for size:
Instead of the undocumented resident climbing over the border fence (they already did) and illegally entering the country owned and supported by its citizens; the person climbed over the fence into your backyard and when you came home from work you found him and his family sitting at your kitchen table eating your food? They then informed you that they are undocumented residents of this house. If you call the police to have them removed you are a selfish racist.
The fact of the matter is, if the social engineering Democrats stay in power, this residential situation is likely to soon happen as the 'white rich selfish racists' (ALL white people) will be required to give up their unused living space to those in need. Sounds harsh, but it may actually be more fair than the present living arrangements. Choose your three families while you still have a choice.
Arizona just passed, and the governor signed into law, a massive headache for President Obama. They didn't really pass a 'new' law. They just reminded everyone of the old law. If you are in the country (any country) illegally you are commiting a crime and you should go the way of all criminals. You are not an undocumented worker, you are a criminal.
If you enter a country illegally or overstay your visa, what happens? If I went to Mexico and overstayed my visa what would happen to me? If I tried to get a job in Japan without a proper work visa, what would happen? Please don't try to tell me these 'human rights' demonstators in Phoenix are ignorant of this.
Perhaps the United States and Mexico should just sign a treaty much like the European Union which says citizens of either country can freely live and work in either country as they choose.
Until then adiós, sayonara and have a nice trip home.
For those of you who object to this law, and call the officers who enforce it racist, try this on for size:
Instead of the undocumented resident climbing over the border fence (they already did) and illegally entering the country owned and supported by its citizens; the person climbed over the fence into your backyard and when you came home from work you found him and his family sitting at your kitchen table eating your food? They then informed you that they are undocumented residents of this house. If you call the police to have them removed you are a selfish racist.
The fact of the matter is, if the social engineering Democrats stay in power, this residential situation is likely to soon happen as the 'white rich selfish racists' (ALL white people) will be required to give up their unused living space to those in need. Sounds harsh, but it may actually be more fair than the present living arrangements. Choose your three families while you still have a choice.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Hugs and Kisses, bye bye ... and don't come back.
Should the US be shown the door and told to shove off? To Guam or the moon for all the Okinawan's care. Why not? The excuse some lame ass military officer spouted that the marines need to be there to secure North Korea's nukes was quite a load. So why not wave them off? It would save Hatoyama's bacon. The Okinawans would raise a statue to him. Win win.
Ah, but then there are those very untimely reports of Chinese subs and planes buzzing around Okinawa. More than 150 miles from the Japanese coast, right? International waters, yes? Wait a minute, they were closer than 150 miles from Japan (Okinawa). Weren't they? Okinawa IS part of Japan right? Japan thinks so. The rest of the world assumes so. What does China think? The 'take the long view' Chinese. The guys who say Taiwan and Tibet are intregal parts of China. Who do they see the Ryukyu Islands belonging to?
History lesson: prior to the Japanese invasion in 1609, Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands were a tributary kingdom of China. Fearing this relationship, it wasn't until 1872 that Japan annexed the country outright. This did not sit well with China who basically accussed Japan of occupying Chinese territory. The Japanese may have thought they pulled a fast one over on China (like they did in Korea prior to 1905) but the Chinese were not fooled and just bided their time. Well, their baacck!
Do you really want to send the marines packing Mr. Hatoyama?
Ah, but then there are those very untimely reports of Chinese subs and planes buzzing around Okinawa. More than 150 miles from the Japanese coast, right? International waters, yes? Wait a minute, they were closer than 150 miles from Japan (Okinawa). Weren't they? Okinawa IS part of Japan right? Japan thinks so. The rest of the world assumes so. What does China think? The 'take the long view' Chinese. The guys who say Taiwan and Tibet are intregal parts of China. Who do they see the Ryukyu Islands belonging to?
History lesson: prior to the Japanese invasion in 1609, Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands were a tributary kingdom of China. Fearing this relationship, it wasn't until 1872 that Japan annexed the country outright. This did not sit well with China who basically accussed Japan of occupying Chinese territory. The Japanese may have thought they pulled a fast one over on China (like they did in Korea prior to 1905) but the Chinese were not fooled and just bided their time. Well, their baacck!
Do you really want to send the marines packing Mr. Hatoyama?
Did you hear the shoe drop?
What is a reserve currency and is it important to me?
Is the concept of a reserve currency still valid, outmoded, or a dangerous ploy to guarantee hegemony over the people of the world by one country? Is it all of the above and a system the world as a whole can no longer afford?
What is a reserve currency - in simple terms? The anchor banks and merchants the world over use to enable you and me to drive a BMW from Germany, eat peanuts from Africa while watching baseball on a big screen TV from Japan. That is when we are not in the office typing on our assembled in China, made by Dell America, sold in Norway computer.
Reserve currencies are as old as, well, for us, the Denarii; and as current as that funny ‘Euro’ looking new Ben Franklin.
But, what about tomorrow? That is a very big question. Why are we even asking the question? Also a good question. What does it involve? Trust, security, power … and the desire of people to hold and value a piece of paper that otherwise has the intrinsic value of – well, toilet paper.
The country that controls the reserve currency determines whether or not you eat cake or moldy barley rice. It controls trade, production, consumption and your well being.
For nearly three hundred years the British Pound was god. It was the reserve currency. It was the prima facie of rulers, traders and would be movers and shakers. If you wanted something you’d best have Pounds or evidence of a way to get them. With it you were king; without, a pauper. So cool that the whole world revolved around a little island previously only famous for raving red head naked crazy guys running around hitting everyone with sticks. (they still do, by the way). How could this happen? Thank you Queen Lizzie (the first one) and her pirates. They, by hook or crook, swindled and swiped every piece of gold the Spanish had and mineral laden property anyone else had. Once that was done, the Brits had a big fleet, the pirates became capitalists and the raving red heads created the Bank of England and the corporation. What does all that add up to? Control.
Control of what? Did the British produce anything? Not so much. Did they buy anything? Like buggies and candle stick holders? Not a lot. But they DID control the means of transportation and means of payment. Nothing went nowhere least it went through a British port or via a British ship or by way of permission of the British navy. Because of this and their ability to capitalize (great word) on every new idea – remember all the wannabes wanted to be in England and with it new ideas and even newer ideas of how to get and keep more money. Sound familiar Wall Street?
So, what happened? How and why did the British loose it all? (Isn’t it strange that we are now in the reign of QE II?) Well, it wasn’t really her fault. It was Tweedle(incredibly)DUM (Chamberlin) and Tweedledee (Hitler) that did it. It wasn’t so much what they did to England that brought the cards down; but what they did to America.
Huh? For lack of seemingly any other option, America became the safe harbor during WWII. Not Canada or India (both part of the empire); but the US. This was really fortuitous for us but suicide for the British. America became the new ‘England’ – in fact, many times over.
So, World War II, America’s hit and run on the world. Safely insulated away on a humungous island; beyond the reach of any enemy (physical or economic), the USA chugged along as the production plant of the world. How could a country deep in depression, no army, no navy and no recognized currency take over the world within six years?
Simple answer, England and France, owners of literally two thirds of the world and 90% of the gold reserves begged America to build and sell arms. Can’t do it says Wiley Coyote Roosevelt, no money. Well, to cut a long story short, England and France made a deal, saved their skins but lost their shorts to America, now the proud new holder (not yet owner) of everything worth anything in the whole world. Safely tucked away in America’s vaults was the gold of the world. Happily puffing away industry pushing out everything from Tanks to baby carriages and equally happily puffing away on their cigars, were a new generation of capitalist bankers in New York, the great grand cousins of those wild red heads from Scotland.
Where was the reserve currency of the world now?
Well Britain of course right? They thought so but got a very rude shock when as the war ended they tried to reassert their hegemony and the US said, like h*ll you will and threatened (in a friendly way of course) to bury their economy and through the new Breton Woods agreement; not so much an agreement as a demand from the new landlords (the USA) to pay up or shut up to the former empires. So the US became the new reserve. A great idea. Rich powerful country … basicly nice guys in pin strip suits willing to lend everyone money after the war in order to buy … what? Coke of course. America was the only engine pumping out everything a body could want. We got rich, built big houses, big cars, ate big dinners and did everything – big. Life is as it should be … what happened?
Fast forward fifty years:
America after the war was the new promised land. All the wannabes now wanted to be in New York. Everyone else wanted what Americans had. How to get it? Basically they couldn’t. Why not? No dollars. How to get dollars? Move to America? If you had a second cousin in Chicago maybe. Rob a bank? No dollars in the bank, just your worthless local currency. What to do? (do you hear the shoe coming yet?)
If you want dollars you need to build something Americans are willing to buy. Cheaper then Americans can make it. But how? America was flooding the after war markets with cheap goods, what can we do? What happened? Countries raised tariffs against US goods to protect their new industries. The US didn’t care, its local market was huge. These new foreign companies started to grow under this local protection and asked for ‘favored nation’ status so its products could enter the US tariff free. What is ‘favored nation’? A hold over from the old imperial system to protect members of the empire. Who were members of the American Empire? Western Europe and Japan. Those counties directly holding Communism back from America’s door. Sounds good, eh? Good for Europe and Japan, but as America will find out – a slower form of suicide than practiced by England and France.
American industries were now competing with cheaper foriegn products at home. Dollars were flowing out of America faster than a broken fire hydrant. What to do? Raise tariffs to protect our industry from those dasterdy upstarts of course, right? Aah, ... no. We instead moved our production facilities out of America to China (etc) in order to better compete. Logical (only to crazy people). No problem right?
Our consumers are still buying like crazy and dollars are the world currency. No problem, right?
More and more countries are becoming rich producers and consumers in their own right, with good strong currencies of their own. The Euro, the Yen, the Yuan, the Won … this is a good thing right?
The American military is being used as the world’s police force with American troops all over the world spreading more and more dollars everywhere. This is good, yes … yes?
Do you hear the shoe dropping yet?
So, you have a rich lazy complacent country wishing to buy anything it can to make life easier, passing out dollars like there is no end in sight, shedding the means of producing goods to make those dollars back off onto other countries who are hungry to make money so they can also have the good life. The people in those countries are bending over backwards to study and work hard thinking up new ideas to make money to have a better life.
While at the same time Americans are losing their jobs, going deeper in debt and are no longer able to buy more of the good life.
Is the American dollar still the reserve currency, or did the shoe already drop and America, like the British before them, just didn’t hear it.
Is the concept of a reserve currency still valid, outmoded, or a dangerous ploy to guarantee hegemony over the people of the world by one country? Is it all of the above and a system the world as a whole can no longer afford?
What is a reserve currency - in simple terms? The anchor banks and merchants the world over use to enable you and me to drive a BMW from Germany, eat peanuts from Africa while watching baseball on a big screen TV from Japan. That is when we are not in the office typing on our assembled in China, made by Dell America, sold in Norway computer.
Reserve currencies are as old as, well, for us, the Denarii; and as current as that funny ‘Euro’ looking new Ben Franklin.
But, what about tomorrow? That is a very big question. Why are we even asking the question? Also a good question. What does it involve? Trust, security, power … and the desire of people to hold and value a piece of paper that otherwise has the intrinsic value of – well, toilet paper.
The country that controls the reserve currency determines whether or not you eat cake or moldy barley rice. It controls trade, production, consumption and your well being.
For nearly three hundred years the British Pound was god. It was the reserve currency. It was the prima facie of rulers, traders and would be movers and shakers. If you wanted something you’d best have Pounds or evidence of a way to get them. With it you were king; without, a pauper. So cool that the whole world revolved around a little island previously only famous for raving red head naked crazy guys running around hitting everyone with sticks. (they still do, by the way). How could this happen? Thank you Queen Lizzie (the first one) and her pirates. They, by hook or crook, swindled and swiped every piece of gold the Spanish had and mineral laden property anyone else had. Once that was done, the Brits had a big fleet, the pirates became capitalists and the raving red heads created the Bank of England and the corporation. What does all that add up to? Control.
Control of what? Did the British produce anything? Not so much. Did they buy anything? Like buggies and candle stick holders? Not a lot. But they DID control the means of transportation and means of payment. Nothing went nowhere least it went through a British port or via a British ship or by way of permission of the British navy. Because of this and their ability to capitalize (great word) on every new idea – remember all the wannabes wanted to be in England and with it new ideas and even newer ideas of how to get and keep more money. Sound familiar Wall Street?
So, what happened? How and why did the British loose it all? (Isn’t it strange that we are now in the reign of QE II?) Well, it wasn’t really her fault. It was Tweedle(incredibly)DUM (Chamberlin) and Tweedledee (Hitler) that did it. It wasn’t so much what they did to England that brought the cards down; but what they did to America.
Huh? For lack of seemingly any other option, America became the safe harbor during WWII. Not Canada or India (both part of the empire); but the US. This was really fortuitous for us but suicide for the British. America became the new ‘England’ – in fact, many times over.
So, World War II, America’s hit and run on the world. Safely insulated away on a humungous island; beyond the reach of any enemy (physical or economic), the USA chugged along as the production plant of the world. How could a country deep in depression, no army, no navy and no recognized currency take over the world within six years?
Simple answer, England and France, owners of literally two thirds of the world and 90% of the gold reserves begged America to build and sell arms. Can’t do it says Wiley Coyote Roosevelt, no money. Well, to cut a long story short, England and France made a deal, saved their skins but lost their shorts to America, now the proud new holder (not yet owner) of everything worth anything in the whole world. Safely tucked away in America’s vaults was the gold of the world. Happily puffing away industry pushing out everything from Tanks to baby carriages and equally happily puffing away on their cigars, were a new generation of capitalist bankers in New York, the great grand cousins of those wild red heads from Scotland.
Where was the reserve currency of the world now?
Well Britain of course right? They thought so but got a very rude shock when as the war ended they tried to reassert their hegemony and the US said, like h*ll you will and threatened (in a friendly way of course) to bury their economy and through the new Breton Woods agreement; not so much an agreement as a demand from the new landlords (the USA) to pay up or shut up to the former empires. So the US became the new reserve. A great idea. Rich powerful country … basicly nice guys in pin strip suits willing to lend everyone money after the war in order to buy … what? Coke of course. America was the only engine pumping out everything a body could want. We got rich, built big houses, big cars, ate big dinners and did everything – big. Life is as it should be … what happened?
Fast forward fifty years:
America after the war was the new promised land. All the wannabes now wanted to be in New York. Everyone else wanted what Americans had. How to get it? Basically they couldn’t. Why not? No dollars. How to get dollars? Move to America? If you had a second cousin in Chicago maybe. Rob a bank? No dollars in the bank, just your worthless local currency. What to do? (do you hear the shoe coming yet?)
If you want dollars you need to build something Americans are willing to buy. Cheaper then Americans can make it. But how? America was flooding the after war markets with cheap goods, what can we do? What happened? Countries raised tariffs against US goods to protect their new industries. The US didn’t care, its local market was huge. These new foreign companies started to grow under this local protection and asked for ‘favored nation’ status so its products could enter the US tariff free. What is ‘favored nation’? A hold over from the old imperial system to protect members of the empire. Who were members of the American Empire? Western Europe and Japan. Those counties directly holding Communism back from America’s door. Sounds good, eh? Good for Europe and Japan, but as America will find out – a slower form of suicide than practiced by England and France.
American industries were now competing with cheaper foriegn products at home. Dollars were flowing out of America faster than a broken fire hydrant. What to do? Raise tariffs to protect our industry from those dasterdy upstarts of course, right? Aah, ... no. We instead moved our production facilities out of America to China (etc) in order to better compete. Logical (only to crazy people). No problem right?
Our consumers are still buying like crazy and dollars are the world currency. No problem, right?
More and more countries are becoming rich producers and consumers in their own right, with good strong currencies of their own. The Euro, the Yen, the Yuan, the Won … this is a good thing right?
The American military is being used as the world’s police force with American troops all over the world spreading more and more dollars everywhere. This is good, yes … yes?
Do you hear the shoe dropping yet?
So, you have a rich lazy complacent country wishing to buy anything it can to make life easier, passing out dollars like there is no end in sight, shedding the means of producing goods to make those dollars back off onto other countries who are hungry to make money so they can also have the good life. The people in those countries are bending over backwards to study and work hard thinking up new ideas to make money to have a better life.
While at the same time Americans are losing their jobs, going deeper in debt and are no longer able to buy more of the good life.
Is the American dollar still the reserve currency, or did the shoe already drop and America, like the British before them, just didn’t hear it.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Democrats are social-humanists, ergo: materialists, ipso facto: communists.
Q. What is the difference between Karl Marx's 1848 Communist Manifesto and the 2010 Democratic Party manifesto?
A. 162 years.
The Democrats favor :
(1) The nationalization of private companies, e.g. General Motors, Chrysler.
(2) Heavy graduated income taxes, repeal of the Bush tax cuts
(3) Reintroduction of the death tax
(4) The centralization of credit through nationalizing banks, such as Bank of America.
(5) Controlling broadcasting through the "Fairness Doctrine"
(6) A peacetime paramilitary force coequal with the military
(7) Redistribution of wealth
(8) State run public education.
The Democratic Party is a Marxist party.
"That's not even to mention the left's position in favor of abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth, gay marriage, the welfare state, wasteful spending, onerous regulation, election fraud and a host other issues..." D. Anderson
And all that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.
A. 162 years.
The Democrats favor :
(1) The nationalization of private companies, e.g. General Motors, Chrysler.
(2) Heavy graduated income taxes, repeal of the Bush tax cuts
(3) Reintroduction of the death tax
(4) The centralization of credit through nationalizing banks, such as Bank of America.
(5) Controlling broadcasting through the "Fairness Doctrine"
(6) A peacetime paramilitary force coequal with the military
(7) Redistribution of wealth
(8) State run public education.
The Democratic Party is a Marxist party.
"That's not even to mention the left's position in favor of abortion on demand right up to the moment of birth, gay marriage, the welfare state, wasteful spending, onerous regulation, election fraud and a host other issues..." D. Anderson
And all that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Is Toyota trying to pull the "floor mat" over our eyes?
Toyota says don't believe the critic (work of David W. Gilbert, an automotive technology professor at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale). Toyota is rebutting claims that electronics are to blame for runaway cars, but it's beginning to look more and more like we shouldn't believe Toyota.
It is aleged that a new Toyota Prius when out of control at speeds up to 90 miles per hour as a California Highway Patrol cruiser acted as the brake on a California freeway. The Toyota Prius driver said: ‘It (the gas pedal) jumped and then it just stuck there’ -
Are things out of control at Toyota? One gets the feeling they are either ignorant of the problem, or trying desperately to "cover-up" something. Perhaps there's an oversized floor mat covering up the executive offices in Nagoya.
In recent months, Toyota has recalled more than 8 million vehicles worldwide due to acceleration issues.
Last August, off-duty CHP Officer Mark Saylor was killed along with his wife, her brother and the Saylors' 13-year-old daughter after the accelerator of the Lexus ES350 they were in got stuck as they drove on State Route 125 in La Mesa.
The Toyota-manufactured loaner vehicle slammed into the back of a sport utility vehicle at Mission Gorge Road in Santee at about 100 mph, careened off the freeway, hit an embankment, overturned and burst into flames. All four family members died at the scene.
Sheriff's investigators determined that the deadly crash was caused by a sticking gas pedal trapped by a wrong-sized floor mat.
It is aleged that a new Toyota Prius when out of control at speeds up to 90 miles per hour as a California Highway Patrol cruiser acted as the brake on a California freeway. The Toyota Prius driver said: ‘It (the gas pedal) jumped and then it just stuck there’ -
Are things out of control at Toyota? One gets the feeling they are either ignorant of the problem, or trying desperately to "cover-up" something. Perhaps there's an oversized floor mat covering up the executive offices in Nagoya.
In recent months, Toyota has recalled more than 8 million vehicles worldwide due to acceleration issues.
Last August, off-duty CHP Officer Mark Saylor was killed along with his wife, her brother and the Saylors' 13-year-old daughter after the accelerator of the Lexus ES350 they were in got stuck as they drove on State Route 125 in La Mesa.
The Toyota-manufactured loaner vehicle slammed into the back of a sport utility vehicle at Mission Gorge Road in Santee at about 100 mph, careened off the freeway, hit an embankment, overturned and burst into flames. All four family members died at the scene.
Sheriff's investigators determined that the deadly crash was caused by a sticking gas pedal trapped by a wrong-sized floor mat.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Beauty of Mathematics!
1 x 8 + 1= 9
12 x 8 + 2= 98
123 x 8 + 3= 987
1234 x 8 + 4= 9876
12345 x 8 + 5= 98765
123456 x 8 + 6= 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7= 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8= 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9= 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
Mind Boggling...
Now, take a look at this... 101%
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%...
How about ACHIEVING 101%? What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
NOTE: I am not the author of this research on numbers. It was emailed to me today and I do not know the author's name but I thought it was good to share.
12 x 8 + 2= 98
123 x 8 + 3= 987
1234 x 8 + 4= 9876
12345 x 8 + 5= 98765
123456 x 8 + 6= 987654
1234567 x 8 + 7= 9876543
12345678 x 8 + 8= 98765432
123456789 x 8 + 9= 987654321
1 x 9 + 2 = 11
12 x 9 + 3 = 111
123 x 9 + 4 = 1111
1234 x 9 + 5 = 11111
12345 x 9 + 6 = 111111
123456 x 9 + 7 = 1111111
1234567 x 9 + 8 = 11111111
12345678 x 9 + 9 = 111111111
123456789 x 9 +10= 1111111111
9 x 9 + 7 = 88
98 x 9 + 6 = 888
987 x 9 + 5 = 8888
9876 x 9 + 4 = 88888
98765 x 9 + 3 = 888888
987654 x 9 + 2 = 8888888
9876543 x 9 + 1 = 88888888
98765432 x 9 + 0 = 888888888
Brilliant, isn't it?
And look at this symmetry:
1 x 1 = 1
11 x 11 = 121
111 x 111 = 12321
1111 x 1111 = 1234321
11111 x 11111 = 123454321
111111 x 111111 = 12345654321
1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321
11111111 x 11111111 = 123456787654321
111111111 x 111111111 = 12345678987654321
Mind Boggling...
Now, take a look at this... 101%
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint: What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone wants you to GIVE OVER 100%...
How about ACHIEVING 101%? What equals 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+ 5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take you:
12+15+22+5+15+ 6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that:
While Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will
get you there, It's the Love of God that will put you over the top!
NOTE: I am not the author of this research on numbers. It was emailed to me today and I do not know the author's name but I thought it was good to share.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Toyota Boasts About Recall Savings
Internal document shows car company saved millions by delaying safety regulations, avoiding defect investigations.
I guess killing people isn't quite as expensive as they thought it would be.
Ah, but wait til the courts in America get through with them.
I guess killing people isn't quite as expensive as they thought it would be.
Ah, but wait til the courts in America get through with them.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
The next time you feel like GOD can't use YOU, just remember...
* Noah was a drunk
* Abraham was too old
* Isaac was a daydreamer
* Jacob was a liar
* Leah was ugly
* Joseph was abused
* Moses had a stuttering problem
* Gideon was afraid
* Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
* Rahab was a prostitute
* Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
* David had an affair and was a murderer
* Elijah was suicidal
* Isaiah preached naked
* Jonah ran from God
* Naomi was a widow
* Job went bankrupt
* John the Baptist ate bugs
* Peter denied Christ
* The Disciples fell asleep while praying
* Martha worried about everything
* The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
* Zaccheus was too small
* Paul was too religious
* Timothy had an ulcer
* Lazarus was dead!
No more excuses now!!
God can use you to your full potential. Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger. God bless
* Abraham was too old
* Isaac was a daydreamer
* Jacob was a liar
* Leah was ugly
* Joseph was abused
* Moses had a stuttering problem
* Gideon was afraid
* Sampson had long hair and was a womanizer
* Rahab was a prostitute
* Jeremiah and Timothy were too young
* David had an affair and was a murderer
* Elijah was suicidal
* Isaiah preached naked
* Jonah ran from God
* Naomi was a widow
* Job went bankrupt
* John the Baptist ate bugs
* Peter denied Christ
* The Disciples fell asleep while praying
* Martha worried about everything
* The Samaritan woman was divorced, more than once
* Zaccheus was too small
* Paul was too religious
* Timothy had an ulcer
* Lazarus was dead!
No more excuses now!!
God can use you to your full potential. Besides you aren't the message, you are just the messenger. God bless
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And perhaps more importantly: How do they live - with each other?
不知彼,不知己,每戰必殆 (孫子)
(If you don't know yourself and if you don't know your enemy,
then you are in for a world of hurt!)
γνῶθι σεαυτόν (Δελφοί)
Hell is so big and dark and heaven is so small." HJM
and a little more manifest destiny over there..."
How About a Bill of Responsibilities Rather Than A Bill of Rights