nihilism: the refusal to believe in 'God'or a creator. The belief that there is no inherant purpose to life and that what ever is, is simply the result of ramdom sequences of events with no purpose or design attached to them.
In other words:
The 'big bang' was a chance happening that simply occured due to some unexplained random underlying phenomena taking place. All other sequential events occuring as a result of the initial explosion, were and are chance occurances with no rhyme nor reason attached to them other than the possibility of developing a more viable entity useful to the original organism's chances of survival. Though why and how evolutionary processes came into existance from that initial explosion and spewing of debris across the universe is unexplained other than to assume that the initial spark of life randomly figured out it needed to develop more attributes (one of which was to multiply itself) to insure its survival.
Humans have no purpose to their existance other than that which they give themselves as dirived from their own imagination and conceit on the value of said existance. Humans are, by nature, a construct whose appearance was for the sole purpose of giving monkeys a better chance at survival. Whether humans exist or go extinct makes no difference to the universe as a whole. Any rights, priviledges or responsibilities an individual, family, society or group of humans may feel they have or are owed are simply an extension of their individual or collective imagination and is directly related to their survival and enhancement as a successful product of ongoing universal processes. Nature does not give nor infer any rights on any human any more than it would on any other existance. Any belief in 'natural law' is simply a tool used by humanist, secular 'non-believers' to explain why anyone should be treated 'fairly' in a godless, inherently unfair and unforgiving universe.
The concept of 'natural law' is an idea useful for controlling mobs and ensuring the lifestyle comforts and safety of the alpha and beta (alpha wannabes) ruling class. A tool used by the alpha class to assist the general rabble in understanding their place in the universe and how to 'properly' climb the social ladder without ripping the throat out of the previous alphas as is done in every other species, including monkeys AND 'natural' man. Those in the alpha position hate change as it is a threat to them; thus the purpose of the philosophy of “Natural Law” is to prevent ‘unregulated’ and ‘illegal’ social change as much as possible. This product of human 'social' evolution, a 'civilized' view of natural law is, of course, only effective in areas of society where these restrictions are recognized by a subdued general population. There is the underlying fear that given the breakdown of civilization, this view of natural law, it actually being itself un-natural, will breakdown into its true 'natural' form - the survival of the breeders fittest for improving the general stock and ensuring the next level of evolution.
There is the possibility that humans may reach the point when they could artificially self-manage their own evolution. There are a myriad of possibilities in this concept all the way up to humans being able to manage the whole of the universe to their liking. This does not seem likely however simply based on the adage: shit happens. And nature, for the foreseeable future being in the driver’s seat, may come up with an evolutionary entity to protect itself from us: an ‘anti-human' rather like an anti-virus.
Two thoughts:
Heidegger views Nietzsche’s metaphysics as a perfection of nihilism.
Postmodernism in conjunction with television seem to make nihilism socially acceptable.
It is then quite understandable why modern western intellectuals cannot see beyond the rational logic of nihilism, and yet, due to some underlying calling within themselves, feel a need to find a greater 'metaphysical' purpose, goal or value out of what should be seen as infinitely more complex yet little more than the completely natural process of fruit fermenting into alcohol on a universal level.
In other words: no daddy, great protector and provider - you're on your own bubba. Keep your head down and your eyes open.